![The Stop Technique](https://i0.wp.com/stresscoaches.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/traffic-sign-6627_1920.png?fit=300%2C300&ssl=1)
The S.T.O.P. Technique for Mastering the Stress Response
We are not disturbed by life’s stressors, but by our interpretation of them. This is the key to stress mastery and resilience. Keep in mind at all times. The only thing I can control is me and not the people and events that I allow to trigger my Stress Response.
The Stress Mastery S.T.O.P. Technique is a proven effective way to help reduce stress and stop stress. It is a simple technique that only requires a commitment to actually use it! Just remember the acronym STOP!
S is for STOP where you can take control of the negative thoughts that are creating your stress. When your negative thinking is producing stress simply say to yourself STOP out loud or in your mind. When the thoughts return, and they often will, again say . . . STOP. Repeat.
T is for Thoughts! Take control and consciously change your thoughts to a more positive image, concept or memory that is pleasing and non-stressful.
Use one of the 3 R’s of mind control to STOP STRESS NOW . . .
Redirect – your mind to a new and more pleasant thought
Reframe – your thinking about the thought and to give it a new meaning.
Relax – your body by focusing on your breath and allowing your body to let go of tension and just relax.
For example, if someone cut you off when driving, you may have an Automatic Negative Thought and shout out with anger “You SOB! You’re a stupid jerk. I’ll get you. (The thought creates the stress response and you show in in your verbal and physical behaviors. You are angry and frustrated and want to get even (these are the feelings that come from the stress response) You step on the gas and go after him. You pound your steering wheel and yell and scream. (these are the behaviors that reflect your inner stress).
Redirect – Take your thoughts to another place or image. Remember where you were going and what you needed to accomplish. Maybe you were going to the store. What did you need to get? Or, maybe you going to a meeting. What was the meeting all about? What do you need to do to be ready? Think about a more pleasant experience like when you got married, had children or had loving parents, took a nice warm bath, had a great massage or just walked in nature sensing the sounds and fragrances of the forest. Anything that is positive will work, but plan for it and be prepared.
ReFrame – Think…Maybe this SOB is late to work or he had a fight with his spouse. I will give him a break. What’s the big deal? So, what? He didn’t hit me, thank God. He has a problem. I don’t and I will let this negative thinking go.
Relax – Consciously do a body scan. Recognize where you’re tense. Keeping your mind on your driving, but relax your muscles, don’t hold to tightly on the steering wheel. Say to yourself… Just Let Go.
O is for Opening your mind and accept that nothing makes us stressed out but ourselves and how we choose to view and react to a stressor. Be open and know that you have control over the stressor but you do have control over how you response to that stressor. Observe your breath. Pay attention to the thoughts you have and continue to reframe, redirect and relax.
P is for Pause. Breathe. Release. After bringing stress levels down, proceed with your body in a relaxed and state and consciously take control of your thinking and thoughts and move them to a better place.