Hi! My name is Melody. My life’s journey has taught me to appreciate good health, but not before it had drastically deteriorated and things got complicated. It’s been 12 years since my healing journey started and I couldn’t be more grateful for these hard lessons and a whole new career helping others get healthy.

Now I know that one of the major contributors to my poor health was not knowing how to appropriately manage stress, and taking on too much for too long. It started with a ‘work hard, play hard’ attitude, that I thought was serving me well.

That propelled me into taking on every challenge and opportunity that came my way. I thrived at university followed by a career in advertising and marketing. I was accustomed to working long hours. My busy social life also included sailing, racing and serving on the Board of the community sailing club. Fueled by restaurant food, all-day coffee, candy bars, wine and beer, I lived by the mantra, ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’ for many years.

I ignored early signs that my body wasn’t performing right in my thirties. But increasing chronic pain, headaches, gut issues and fatigue became my norm and worsened every year. By the time I turned 40 I popped painkillers like candy, far exceeding the daily doses. It destroyed my social life, instead I was home laying on ice or heat, and more self-medicating so I could just get to work the next day. To my surprise, my doctor said this is what happens with scoliosis later in life. My earlier orthopedic surgeon had never mentioned this was to be expected, and so I had my doubts.

My doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists didn’t know why my tissues were so stiff, knotty and painful or why ribs often stuck twisted along my spine. I was going broke paying for therapies, and taking lots of time away from the office. This was no way to live.

Intuitively I thought maybe nutrition might have something to do with it. Exploring this online I found the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN) program and enrolled without hesitation. The intensive, holistic, mind-body-spirit curriculum was intriguing, with many concepts I’d never heard of. I had no idea how I’d find the energy for all this on top of work, but I was desperate.

Turns out my poor diet, chronic stress and lack of sleep were major catalysts for why my body was such a mess. I learned about root causes of disease, including Fibromyalgia which matched my symptoms. My doctor confirmed this diagnosis but there were no medications or treatment available in conventional medicine, just more painkillers.

I kept applying what I learned and took more advanced courses on autoimmunity, gut health, hormone balancing, and detoxification. I took up yoga and learned better ways of managing stress. My health continued to improve, and I was getting my life back. Experiencing this profound difference in my quality of life and health, I decided to leave the corporate world and teach others how they can recover their health and prevent disease. It’s been nearly 10 years since I graduated from the CSNN program, and my body feels better now than when I was in my twenties. I no longer suffer with the horrible symptoms of Fibromyalgia and take great care to nourish my body with what it needs daily. I got an even better life back!

My Approach

I met Dr. James Petersen in 2015 and was introduced to the Stressmaster International program. I started using insights from my SMQ Report and the Stress Mastery Guide and saw even more improvements in my health by using effective ways to reduce and manage stress. These are integral in becoming aware of your resilience to different types of stress, and understanding where you can improve your responses to stress.

Stress mastery has become a core part of my coaching in client protocols. You can change what you eat, reduce toxins and take supplements but the body won’t respond completely until you effectively deal with and reduce stress. The methods we use in this program are a game changer for health optimization, improving relationships, and reducing the stress in your life and at work.

My Credentials

  • Licensed Stressmaster International Associate
  • Registered Holistic Nutritionist™
  • Certified Master Workplace Wellness Ambassador
  • Certified Executive Wellness Coach
  • Certified Facilitator, EWLP
  • Niagara Institute Leadership Development Program Certificate

What They Are Saying

“I’m blown away by how that one simple change in perspective made such a difference in how the next chat with my husband went. I’m no longer ranting in my head at him for not getting things done he promised. We actually had a calm discussion about stuff and he understands how I feel now. We sat down and wrote up a list and he let me know what he can do in the next couple of weeks to make progress on growing his business. He’s letting me help him now too with a couple of things. I think your Stressmaster program just saved my marriage!”

“They were very impressed with you. They had extremely positive things to say about you and how you’d take the time to answer the questions and how it shows that you truly love doing what you do.”

“So, I’ve been thinking and I wanted to share my gratitude thought for this week:
I am grateful that I got connected to you and that you’ve been able to teach me about food and all sorts of things surrounding food.That I feel more confident now, than I ever have, wrt knowing what I want to feed all my boys (and myself). I thank you for trying to help me understand things, and repeat yourself 6 times and spend time waaaaayyyyyyyyy beyond our hour sessions and come up with custom programs to help me learn even more about living holistically and reducing stress.And for taking the time to investigate my thousands of questions, and suggest supplements that oddly have seem to help me feel like a million bucks lately.Not many people get the opportunity to correct things and get on a better path.”