I am happy to have you here and this is a clear message that you are on a search mission to understand more about stress, and this is a good start, welcome!
In 2017, I asked myself one question of how stress, which is simply non tangible, turns into fat under the skin and distorts our behaviors and sometimes everything that matter to us.
My experience working in corporate environments for 15 years and my training as a nurse, a certified mind body practitioner, and a stress master have put me in the unique position to help companies and individuals transform their health and well-being by going beyond surface level solutions and getting to the root cause of most issues: unresolved chronic stressors.
The most dangerous enemy to a person is the one that the person totally underestimate, and believe me for this, the damage of stress is underestimated on personal, cultural, occupational, and community level. In fact we do not recognize our struggles to be stress routed.
Chronic stress disrupts metabolism, eating habits, digestion, immunity, energy, brain function, leads to muscular and neurological impairment, even distort relationships, and much more…
When any type of stress is constantly present, your nervous system stays in a perpetual state of fight or flight. This affects us individually and culturally.
My Approach
The most fundamental corner stone tool I use in any shape or form of coaching is the stress SMQ which unfolds to you and me the reality of where you are, and what type of stress you are facing. And the beauty starts from here!
I teach top level executives and corporate HR leads how to incorporate a holistic wellness leadership approach that results in a happier and higher functioning workplace. This is a top rated one to one training that includes discussion of core concepts, brainstorming sessions, reflections on findings, and creation of actionable items and ultimately a cascading mechanism to the organization downstream.
For corporate groups, this comes in the shape of group coaching of 10 -12 people in the room, for one day which makes it very engaging, and the agenda includes discussion of the SMQ reports, group reflections, meditations, group team building, and for sure fundamental knowledge on the stress effect.
A light version can be offered via zoom over 4 virtual sessions if the team really can’t make it for a face to face.
For individuals, I offer one-to-one coaching, which starts with an exploratory call, and once both of us agree, we go for by-monthly calls for 2 or 3 months, depends on how much you need these sessions, or still need them, basically I am usually open for all possibilities.
My Credentials
- Licensed Stressmaster International Associate
- Licensed eating psychology coach
- Post graduate diploma in business administration from the university of Wales.
- Certified for Silva Ultramind System.
- Certified registered nurse.