Workplace Stress Mastery Programs
Stressmaster International is a leader in corporate Stress Mastery Training and Coaching. With over 30 years experience, we can provide your company and employees with state-of-the-art programs that will help them to be healthier, less stressed and with improved productivity. Contact us today for how we can help your employees to reduce and master stress.
The Stress Mastery Questionnaire(SMQ) is the heart of our stress mastery program with over 600,000 people benefiting from discovering how and why the are so stressed.
For greatest impact, provide employees with 1::1 and small group Coaching. Employees who are burned-out and ready to quit are the best candidates, but all employee can benefit.
Stressmaster International provides employers with evidence-based, highly-effective workplace stress mastery programs to help employees learn how to reduce, manage and master workplace stress. Through workshops, seminars, L&L’s, individual and corporate stress assessments, coupled with coaching and webinars, our team can help your employees become more resilient, productive and healthier.
Several options are available for your employees and staff to participate in a stress mastery personal development program. There are many topics and directions one might go, however the following are possible programs that can be provided to any company, agency or organization. These are Self-Guided or Self-Development Programs that rely on each person taking the SMQ and receiving the Stress Mastery Guide. In addition, for advanced programs, we can provide pre-taped webinars and supporting motivational materials via emial and/or audio podcasts. A quote for a program will be provided upon request.